November 17, 2010

ATTENDEES: Carl and Cherry Stogsdill, Frances Maskus, Jodi Kerr, Sheri Logan, and Russell Davis

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

Russell made the motion to approve minutes and Frances 2nd . All was in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The reports were handed out and not much to report this month. Sheri explained the PayPal system and how it works. There is a $0.03 and $0.30 transaction on the treasurer’s report for the purposes setting up and ensuring that the system works. Sheri paid for a full year of $99.95for the PayPal subscription.

Russell moved to accept the treasurer’s report with Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

Sheri explained how she backs up the Alliance’s financial reports. She uses a jump drive to back up the reports. She asked if everyone thought this was an acceptable way to keep our records backed up. After discussion, everyone agreed that this is acceptable for right now.

Audit: It is time for the Alliance to have an internal audit. Cherry made motion to have an internal financial review in March 2011 with 3 members on this committee. Russell 2nd the motion. All in favor. The committee will be set up at a later date.

Sheri is still researching to see what the best option for an Alliance credit card is.

As a reminder we need to report to IRS this year since we officially received our 501c3 status. When we received the office paperwork a book was given to us on the do’s and don’ts of a 501c3 organization. It was suggested we need to make copies of the book so everyone can look over it.


PLOVER BROCHURES: We do not have many brochures left. We started with 1,000 and are down to just a few. Do we need to order more? After some discussion Frances made the motion to table the decision until January. As a reminder, we received an e-mail that the Lincoln County Tourism has approved to pay for this so the paperwork needs to be filled out. We have not received any bill yet. Sheri will contact Larra to see if she has received the bill or not.

PLOVER FESTIVAL: The Denver Audubon Society contacted Carl regarding the Plover Festival. This lady thought they would have 8 to 12 people that would sign up to come. Do we have enough places for them to stay. More will be discussed when we know for sure how many homes we are needing for people to stay.

WEBSITE/ON-LINE STORE: Sheri did a good job setting up the on-line store. Sheri is continuing to work on placing t-shirts, membership, donation, caps, and mugs on the store website. Erik placed a link on our main website to the “store”. When visitors click this link, they won’t even know they left our main website. Hopefully when closer to the festival, we can put a bigger ad on the main website. The security of the store website was discussed. All payments are set up to go through Pay Pal which is a secure way to pay. So it was decided that for now we should have sufficient security. Frances made a motion to give Sheri a family renewal membership for all the time she has placed in setting this all up. Russell 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

CHRISTMAS SUPPER: December 19, 2010 is the date for our Christmas Supper. Last year we had soup, sandwich, and dessert for $5. It was from 5 pm to 6 pm followed by the Christmas light bus tour then cookies and hot chocolate after the tour. Carl made motion to do it again like last year. Russell 2nd the motion. All was in favor. We need to start advertising; Jodi will make up the flyers. Mountain View has already committed to donate prizes again this year in the amount of $300.00. The food committee: Sheri - potato soup, John Kerr - chili, Cherry - Chicken soup. Russell will bring the crackers. Sheri will order cinnamon rolls – paid by Alliance. Desserts: Mary Merewether, Connie Stone, Betty Lee Bailey and Betty Clark. Hot Chocolate: Frances. Carl: Grilled Cheese. Cookies (1 dozen): Linda Yoder, Jodi Kerr, Janelle Reid, Ardith James. Sheri get bus set up. For the individuals that were not at the meeting Frances will contact them to see if they would be able to bring the assigned item if not she will find someone else to bring it.

SIGNS: Carl stopped by the La Junta Sign Shop today and they still have not gotten the final design completed. He did ask and we can put logo on the sign. A 5 x 12 sign will be easier for lay out which changes the prices. New prices and the final design will be presented at our next meeting. It was discussed to add the following in the four corners of our original layout: tractor, cow, wheat and plover. Russell made the motion to have Jodi take care of applying for a grant to the tourism board for the signs once final cost is decided as well as the brochures discussed earlier. Frances 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Do we want to update our business directory. It was also discussed that we need to recognize corporate memberships on the website. Frances made motion to table till January after membership drive. Cherry 2nd the motion. All was in favor.

DISPLAY BOARD: Katie stated to Russell that she can come up with money to improve our display board. Mr. Savage who heads to talented and gifted program thought this would be a good project for some of our kids in the program. If we can get a velcro board we can interchange pictures; different styles were discussed. Carl has Farm Bureau board which he can bring to school and show Mr. Savage what we have in mind. We do need to give the current pictures back to Frances so she can copy them for scrap book then the pictures can go back on our display board.

RAW: We need to see if we can get the RAW program into the school curriculum. Russell and Carl will get with Katie to get this organized. It was announced that Katie was nominated for an award for the work she has done through the RAW program set up.

MEMBERSHIP/WELCOME PACKET: We need to get info out about our organization and community to the new individuals that have moved into the community. We have handed out brochures in the past. Frances will update these and present them at our next meeting.

ANNUAL MEETING: This event needs to happen in January according to our by-laws. Final plans will be made at our next meeting.

MEETING MINUTES: Currently we are only sending out our minutes to the individuals that have e-mails. Jodi wills start mailing a copy of the minutes to individuals that do not have e-mails so everyone will be kept updated on what we are doing.

NEXT MEETING: January 4, 2011 at 700 pm

The meeting was dismissed at 9:10 pm.


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